We Did It!

Sexy people -

I’m so happy to be writing this post to tell you that we made it! Chilldils has officially raised the $500 we needed to made our hot/cold dream a reality, thanks to some wonderful and generous friends in the community. Once the campaign is “officially” over on December 15th, Kickstarter will release the [...]

Raffle Winner Picked!

Again, I most humbly thank you for participating in the giveaway – you brought me smiles when I saw how many folks out there are happy, healthy, sexy people looking to expand their horizons. You should all pat yourselves on the back for being open enough about your sexuality to enter a contest like this openly! It is because of people like you that generations hence will be able to be comfortable and unconcerned when they express [...]

Why I’m done ‘whoring’ things out.

(whisper) Jesus, look at that (13 yr old) girl. She’s dressed like a total whore! *points*

Such is an excerpt of my disbelief, mid-mall walking with my guy, of a young woman dressed in such a manner that the pockets of her cut-offs were visable at the edges of the hem. I began to ask myself recently – what do I mean by that, [...]

In which the pen-jockey rides elsewhere…

So please – help me make this a repeat opportunity! Check out Brevity is the Soul of Bliss – In Defense of the Quickie leave a comment, and kick up visitor numbers and such. The toychick will thank you for it – if I get at least 20 comments over there I will give a Tantus VAMP silicone dildo away next week! Ooooh…ahhh…free shit… [...]

The Harness That Made Me A Sexual Superhero: Joque Harness Review (Myspare.com)

Because they’re kickass, Spareparts not only gave me a Joque to review and a Joque for the NYSBC raffle, they also gave me one for YOU! That’s right, you could have a superhero harness all your own to..you know…dance around the living room with. Or whatever. [...]

In which the Toychick asks for help…

Not too long ago, I had another idea that managed to hurdle the “it’ll never work” mantra and gain momentum in my brain. This led to a chat with a really cool Etsy momma I met on twitter, which led to several more, which produced a sketch, which produced a prototype, which then gave birth to “Oh my god, I think this is going to [...]

Yay! Top 100 Sex Bloggers of 2009!

From Between My Sheets – The Best 100 Sex Bloggers of 2009! “It’s here. Finally. I promised it earlier, I know. Life got in the way (I’ll talk about it in my next post). That, and I had well over 150 unique nominations this year, counting all the comments and the nominations I received via email. Last year, I didn’t get nearly as many, and a good number of the nominations were my [...]